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Great show results all around the world! :)

Lots has happened again, we are very happy and proud!

10.11 Jyväskylä NORD, Finland

Judge Ashley Reid, Australia

BOB Nord CC Cragsmoor Good Fellow BOS BOB veteran Nord CC Finnsky Jewel BM3 Finnsky Ringstar BM4 CC Finnsky Xfactor BB2 Finnsky Starlet BB4 CC Finnsky Xchange EXC CQ (BB5) Ribessita MacGillivray BOB breeder Kennel Finnsky shortlisted in semifinals

11.11 Jyväskylä CACIB, Finland

Judge Calin Margineanu, Romania

BOB CACIB Cragsmoor Good Fellow BOS CACIB Jazenta Busy Being Beautiful For Finnsky BM3 CC res CACIB Finnsky Xfactor EXC2 Finnsky Ringstar BB2 BOS veteran Finnsky Jewel BB4 res CC Finnsky Xchange EXC2 Finnsky Starlet EXC3 Ribessita MacGillivray BOB breeder kennel Finnsky

Same weekend the biggest terrier show in Sweden;

10.11 Södertälje, Sweden

Judge Katharina Round, France

BOB Puppy & BIS Puppy Finnsky Youngstermoe

BOB CC Finnsky Xtream

Next show in December,

9.12 Swedish winner, Stockholm

Judge Christophe Coppel, France

BOB CC NORD CAC Cragsmoor Good Fellow, new Swedish Champion

BOS NORD CC Finnsky Jewel BF2 CC res NORD CC Finnsky Xstream BF3 Finnsky Nefertiti Excellent 1 CQ res CC Finnsky Xspirit


"A very attractive of four dogs of very good types. Heads are gorgeous, bodres are very well constructed. In general with strong toplines, very good chests. The quality of the coats is wonderful and they move very well."

We also have a brand new Colombian champion

Finnsky Windwhisper

Congratulations Alejandro and Thor!

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