What a weekend!
What a show weekend it's been! Finnsky has been represented in Finland, Sweden and Latvia.
13.7 Ogre national show, Latvia
Judge John R. Walsh, Ireland
BOB, CAC, BIG2, Latvian and Baltic champion
Finnsky Xtempore
13.7 Piteå international show, Sweden
Judge Tino Pehar, Croatia
BOB, CACIB, new C.I.B* Finnsky Xsandra
BOS, CACIB Finnsky Xspirit
BB2, resCACIB, CAC, SE & Nordic champion Ribessita MacGillivray
Finnsky Xspirit & Finnsky Xsandra
13.7 Oulu Nord show, Finland
Judge Pirjo Hjelm, Finland
BOB, BOB Vet, Nord CAC, BIS3 veteran Cragsmoor Good Fellow
BOS, BOS Vet, Nord CAC, Cragsmoor Oh So Good
BB2, res Nord CAC, Finnsky Jewel
BB4 Finnsky Nefertiti
BM3 Finnsky Steel
Cragsmoor Good Fellow BIS3 veteran
Brother and sister, Mick and Minnie, Cragsmoor Good Fellow & Cragsmoor Oh So Good
14.7 Ogre national show and Ogre terrier speciality, Latvia
Judge Tatyana Sverchkova, Ukraine (national show) & Jussi Liimatainen, Finland (terrier speciality)
BOB Finnsky Xtempore
14.7 Oulu international show, Finland
Judge Zlatko, Croatia
BOB, CACIB, BIG4 Finnsky Steel
BOS, CACIB, CAC, new FI Champion Finnsky Xsandra
BM2, BOB Veteran, BIS3 veteran Cragsmoor Good Fellow
BB3, resCACIB Finnsky Nefertiti
BOB & BIS2 breeder Finnsky
VET EX2 Finnsky Jewel
VET EX3 Cragsmoor Oh So Good
Finnsky Steel BIG4
Finnsky Xsandra
Cragsmoor Good Fellow BIS3 Veteran
BIS2 breeders group (Finnsky Jewel, Xsandra, Steel, Nefertiti)